Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are basically integrated semiconductor photonic devices that are optically active. The use of PICs as optical transceivers for data optical networks is the leading application of PICs. The first to achieve commercial success were the PICs manufactured on III-V indium phosphide semiconductor wafer substrates; PICs based on silicon wafer substrates are now also a commercialization technology. Below mentioned are some of the key applications of photonics integrated circuits:
Data Center Interconnects-
As companies and institutions store and process more information in the cloud, data centers continue to grow at scale. With the increase in data center compute, the demand for data center networks also increases. In comparison to copper cables, optical cables are able to support the greater lane bandwidth at longer transmission distances. many examples of non-integrated approaches such as vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers can be used for optical transceivers over multimode optical fiber networks for short-access distances and 40 Gbps data transmission rates. After this particular bandwidth and range, photonic integrated circuits are the key to enabling low-cost optical transceivers, high performance. In PICs, flat optics and spherical lenses and also used, to know more about them visit website.
Applications of Analog RF Signal —
Taking the help of GHz precision signal processing of photonic integrated circuits, radiofrequency (RF) signals can be manipulated with high fidelity to add or discard multiple radio channels spanning the ultra-broadband frequency range. Along with this, the photogenic integrated circuits are capable enough to remove the background noise from an RF signal with unprecedented precision, which will eventually increase the signal-to-noise performance and make possible new milestones in low power performance. When it is combined together, then this high-precision processing now enables us to pack vast amounts of information into ultra-long distance radio communications.
Photons are also used in order to differentiate and detect the optical properties of materials. They can identify chemical or biochemical gases from air pollution, organic products, and contaminants present in water. They can also be used to detect abnormalities in the blood, such as low glucose levels, and to measure biometrics such as pulse rate. The design of the photonic integrated circuits is based on the ubiquitous and comprehensive sensors with silicon/glass, and built-in via high-volume production in the various mobile devices. Mobile platform sensors are enabling us to better protect the environment, monitor the food supply, and engage directly with practices that keep us healthy.